Webinar – Planning & Leading Collective Worship
This is free of charge to schools signing up to the Partnership Agreement and £25 for other schools.
The webinar is led by Debbie Yeomans who until recently was a Leading RE Teacher for the DBE and Collective Worship Lead at St Margarat’s CE Primary in Stoke Golding. Debbie now works for RE Today and continues to support our schools.
Collective Worship Briefings
Once a term, the DBE will lead a free CW briefing to introduce themes and topics to discuss in breakout rooms and teachers and leaders from schools will share their experiences. This is to create a collaborative space for Collective Worship and to ensure all schools feel supported. The topics that will be explored in each briefing are listed below. Collective Worship leading teachers will then lead one local networking each term to share ideas and resources in a smaller group, with schools that are in the same Minster community locations. Leading teachers will feedback to the DBE and share resources from their local group, so they can be shared for everyone on the DBE website. The resources and leading teacher information can be found here.
Autumn term, DBE led briefing on meaningful CW for the whole school community.
- 25th September 2024, 4-5pm, online
Spring term, DBE led briefing on planning CW for spiritual flourishing.
- 23rd January, 2025, 4-5pm, online
Summer term, DBE led briefing on monitoring and evaluating CW.
- 1st May, 2025, 4-5pm, online
Collective Worship Briefing for Clergy and Lay Leaders
This free briefing is useful for any Church leaders, children and youth workers and/or Church volunteers who go into schools to lead Collective Worship. There will be discussions on what Collective Worship is, how to plan your worships, how to ensure they are inclusive, invitational and inspirational and to answer any questions you may have about worship in a school context.
- 31st October 2024, 10-12pm, online