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Our Vision

Transforming the lives of children and young people

Leicester DBE believes that it makes its own, unique and distinct, contribution to the work of the wider diocese and the national Church.

First of all, we recognise that we predominantly serve our family of Church schools and we aspire for them to contribute positively and effectively to the ‘healthily plural educational system’ by offering a distinctively Christian ethos. This, of course, must be delivered alongside academic rigour and excellence.

We also believe that our schools can and many already do, echo the marks of mission seen in ‘Shaped by God.’ Our schools can be places of transformation, inspiration, celebration and welcome.


As a result of visionary leadership and inspirational teaching, children and young people in the Diocese of Leicester achieve excellence. They are well-rounded and confident with a strong sense of self-worth. As learners transformed, they in turn transform their communities.


Unequivocally Christ-like, our schools offer children and young people the opportunity to hear the Christian response to life’s big questions.  Christian Worship is invitational, offering the whole school community an opportunity for renewal and to encounter the person of Jesus Christ. Religious Education is exemplary, enabling a genuine understanding of the role of faith and belief in modern society.


Our schools are rooted in prayer, partnership with parish and wider community and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Children and young people receive excellent Religious Education equipping them with a firm knowledge of the Christian faith and other key faiths. 


Like Jesus himself, our schools are ‘scandalously inclusive’. Children and families from all faiths and none are welcomed, respected and cherished. Serving the community in which they are placed, our schools exemplify, ‘love your neighbour’.