On our events page you can search for all events relating to for different elements of church school life and we recommend you do this to check up to date information but key training just for our CofE secondary schools are listed below:
Secondary RS Development Training, with Angela Hill and Fiona Moss from RE Today, 4pm – 6pm, online, during the first session the content for the other two sessions will be agreed with the group:
- 25th November 2021, Supporting RE in Leicestershire- identifying needs, sharing the national picture with a focus on the OFSTED research review for RE
- 31st March 2022 – content to be agreed
- 7th June 2022 – content to be agreed
Fee per session: £40/£85
Governance and Leadership in a Church Secondary School
Meeting twice this is an opportunity for the CofE secondary school Headteachers and / or Collective Worship Leaders and/or RS Leaders to meet with Foundation Governors and Clergy to share ideas on different elements of life as a secondary Church school such as inspiring Collective Worship, governor monitoring in a secondary school, how do we develop a church school vision. Precise foci of sessions will be driven by the group.
- 3rd February, 4.00pm – 5.30pm and
- 26th April, 4.00pm – 5.30pm
Fee: £25/40 for both sessions