This course is ideal for new subject leaders and will take place during three online sessions; one session in each term. This gives great support to a new subject leader in a community or a church school during their early days of leading the subject. Each new subject leader will also be linked with a leading RE teacher who will provide further support during the year. Meeting over three terms gives the opportunity to implement ideas and then report back on successes and challenges to the learning community.

The three sessions will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to be an effective and inspirational RE subject leader in the primary school. Explore the role of the subject leader, using practical activities to develop your understanding of RE and your leadership and management skills. Focus on creative task setting, planning a scheme of work using your locally agreed syllabus or faith community guidelines, and effective and manageable monitoring and self evaluation. 


  • Understanding of the statutory requirements for RE
  • The role of the subject leader
  • What is RE for? Exploring the aims and purposes of RE
  • RE in your school – activities to share with colleagues

Enthuse, empower and inspire:

  • Creative and effective task setting in RE
  • Activities for children from 4-11 that will challenge, inspire and inform

RE and the curriculum Knowing where you’re going:

  • Effective and manageable monitoring and evaluation
  • Bringing about necessary change.

9th November 2022 (face to face at the DBE Office at St Martin’s House)

28th February 2023, 4-5.15pm (online)

14th June, 4pm – 5.15pm (online)

Pairing with Lead RE Teachers for mentoring

Fee* for all 3 sessions: £95 / £135

*Lower fee is for schools that sign up to the DBE Partnership Agreement

RE Coordinators are also encouraged to attend the termly RE Development Meetings led by Fiona Moss and their local networking meetings with one of our lead RE teachers.

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