I am currently the year 3 teacher at Gilmorton Chandler CE Primary School, Leicestershire. I became the RE leader in 2013. During my time as RE leader I have introduced and monitored the teaching of the locally agreed RE syllabi Harmony and Diversity followed by Religious Literacy for All and, more recently, the Diocesan Understanding Christianity scheme of work. I continue to monitor the impact of RE teaching on pupil outcomes and develop the use of assessment materials to support our teaching staff. I am a leading RE teacher for the DBE and lead/jointly lead a range of RE networks.

Career Experience
Prior to joining Gilmorton Chandler in 2012, I taught in a multicultural, multi faith school in Leicester City. The majority of my teaching experience has been in key stage 2 although I was fortunate to cover a part-time Early Years’ Foundation Stage maternity leave vacancy in my current school. I have supported Gilmorton Chandler through two successful Section 48 inspections – judged outstanding in 2014 and excellent under the new framework in 2019. During both inspections I engaged in detailed dialogue with the inspectors, providing evidence which matched our self-evaluation. In recent years I have had articles published in both RE Today and the diocesan publication ‘Shaped by God’.
I have led numerous school staff meetings relating to RE and SIAMS and also lead the academy trust RE forum meetings. Additionally, I have been a leading RE teacher for the DBE for approximately 2 years and lead the local NATRE meetings in south Leicestershire.
Following the excellent judgement for SIAMS 2019, I have supported a range of school leaders in the development of their church school self-evaluation.
Specialist Expertise
I am highly experienced at developing links between local churches and the school and also between the local community and the school; many of these latter links are creative in nature and involve parent and community participation in drama to support the teaching of our RE curriculum and our collective worship. I also endeavour to bring faith stories to life – recreating the story of Diwali through dramas and real forests to creating a langar in the school hall.
I have experience of developing a church school vision – ‘striving for excellence in everything we do, working under God’s guidance and endeavouring to enable all to
flourish, bear fruit and live well together’.