I am presently teaching in two Primary Schools acting as RE coordinator in both as well as being a class teacher in one and teaching and coordinating Music and French and Collective Worship in the other. This involves me working with children and teachers throughout these schools and liaising with the local and wider communities. I firmly believe that RE is at its most exciting, relevant and ‘spiritual’ when it is creative and energised by the needs and gifts of the whole community.

Career Experience
I’ve been teaching for over 30 years both in this country and abroad. When I trained initially as a primary school teacher, I specialised in RE and Music, but have loved teaching all subjects across the curriculum. However, the conundrum of how to teach RE well has been a topic which has always fascinated me. I have carried out two pieces of research into Children’s Spiritual Development, the most recent of these, ‘Growing Together’ focussed particularly on how we might link older and younger generations together to help us all not only with RE and SMSC but also to help us all ‘Grow Together’. Both projects have since been developed into practical resources to support learning in RE, Collective Worship and SMSC in schools. I am busily involved with local and national RE networks and have a burning desire to see how community links might help us all with ‘Spiritual Development’ and RE.
Specialist Expertise
I love to support colleagues whenever they need help with RE, SMSC or Collective Worship, especially with encouraging us all to think about Creative ways to make these meaningful, ‘real’ and powerful for the rest of our lives.