SIAMS networking: Inspection question 3 networking – Collective Worship and Spirituality
15th February, 12.30-2pm, online
This networking allows staff to dive into aspects of the SIAMS framework. There will presentations from senior leaders, RE advisors and/or SIAMS inspectors, as well as use of breakout rooms so that you can network with other schools about how best to move forward in a particular area of what it means to be a Church School. It is suggested that the networking below is accessed when you have already accessed training on the new framework (see above) and have identified specific areas that you would like to work on as a school. Please note that both sessions for each inspection question are the same. Two have been offered to allow staff to choose a time which is better for them.
Fee: £40 / £80 (per session, per school)
Bundle fee (all networking sessions): £200 / £400